Who we are. Where we're going. How you fit. 

Discover Class

Join us for a 3-week class to discover more about who we are, what we believe, and where you fit in! This is the first step in our Discipleship Pathway and the first step to becoming a member. Childcare will be provided. The class will be during the 10:45 AM service on TBD dates. 

Core  Class

If you are a member of Two Rivers, we invite you to join us for a 3 week class to grow in the Gospel, become a more healthy member of your Life Group, and be further equipped! This is the second phase of our Discipleship Pathway and your next step to becoming a Core Member of your group. Child care will be provided. The class will be during the 10:45 am service on TBD dates. 

Equip  Class

After completing Core Class, you have the opportunity to take Equip Classes! These Equip Classes will cover a variety of topics and will be different each time we offer it! Child care will be provided. The class will be during the 10:45 am service on TBD date