Life Groups
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Core Group Member Agreement
First Name
Last Name
Life Group Leader:
Please check all of the following in order to fulfill the Core Group Member Agreement.
As a core group member of my Life Group, I agree to take ownership and responsibility for the health of our group.
I will be present and actively participate in our Life Group. I will arrange my schedule to participate in our group times and rhythms together. I will seek to invite the members of our group into the everyday routine of my life.
I will serve our Life Group and support my leader by accepting a role in our group.
I will take initiative in our group. I will resist the urge to complain about or ignore issues in our group. Instead, I will seek to resolve my concerns. When our group has a weakness I will not see it as a problem for our leader to solve but I will also consider it my own problem to solve.
I will encourage our group in the gospel. I am committed to continuously growing in my understanding of the gospel so that I can naturally point my group to Jesus in everyday life and so that I can be equipped to apply the gospel to all areas of my own life.
I will leverage my time, energy, and resources to make an impact alongside my group. I will serve our Impact Partner and make an effort to intentionally reach out to those who are far from Jesus.
I will fight for relational health. I will seek to reconcile when there is relational hurt or tension. I will ask for forgiveness, I will not gossip, and I will seek to speak truth and encouragement to our group members.
Core Group Member Signature